# |
Description |
Contract or PO No. |
1 |
Fabrication of mud system 2000 BBL for PSDO rig shams #2 (2000 HP) |
02011 |
2 |
Main portable camp for PSDO rig shams #2 |
02023 |
3 |
Fabrication of mud system 1000 BBL for SNOS rig SNOS #41 (1000 HP) |
01520 |
4 |
Fabrication of mud system 1000 BBL for OIL & GAS rig |
01908 |
5 |
Main portable camp for SNOS #41 rig (1000 hp) |
01812 |
6 |
Maintenance for OIL & GAS |
7 |
Portable and caravans maintenance for OIL & GAS Co. |
01923 |
8 |
Sand blasting for mud 1000 BBL (ECDC rig #9 (1000 Hp) |
0914/13 |
9 |
Ware House with its rubber store, work shop for mech elect. Welder, generator house, water tank and diesel tank tubular basket, pipe racks for ECD rig #9 |
0904/13 0913/13 0917/13 |
10 |
Supply several material & HSE equipment for all above |